Pan American Clippers

Pan American World Airways, commonly known as Pan Am, was the principal international airline of the United States from the 1930s until its collapse on December 4, 1991.

The airline became a major company credited with many innovations that shaped the international airline industry, including the widespread use of jet aircraft and jumbo jets.

Identified by its blue globe logo (widely known as "the blue ball") and the use of the word "Clipper" in aircraft names and call signs, the airline was a cultural icon of the 20th century, and the unofficial flag carrier of the United States.

1978 - Pan Am Clipper "Mount Vernon" - Boeing 707.

1979 - Pan Am Clipper "Gem of the Skies" - Boeing 707.

1983 - Pan Am Clipper "America" - Boeing 707.

1985 - Pan Am Clipper "Liberty Bell" - Boeing 747SP.

1985 - Pan Am Clipper "Great Republic" - Boeing 747SP.

1985 - Pan Am Clipper "Constitution" - Boeing 747SP.

LINK: All photos copyright Michel Gilliand on Airliners.Net
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